Vocal Performance
Services & Prices

Vocal Coaching...
Initial Consultation & Placement, per hr.....$30
(age 13 & up - All Levels)
... based on Consult/Interview...
Monthly Tuition, 30 min/per wk.......$120
(Due the 1st of Each Month)
Per Session, 30 min.....$35
Monthly Tuition, 1hr/per wk.......$200
(Due the 1st of Each Month)
Per Session, 1 hr.....$60
ONLINE: {Hangouts, Skype, Facetime, etc.}
(age 13 & up...)
Monthly, 30 min/per wk......$100
(Due the 1st of Each Month)
Per Session, 30 min...... $30
Monthly, 1hr/per wk......$150
(Due the 1st of Each Month)
Per Session, 1 hr.....$50

Studio Vocals...
Back Ground Vocals, per hr.....$60
Back Ground Vocals, per hr.....$45
(25% discounted for Tuition enrolled Vocal Clients)
Demos, per hr.....$60
Studio Coaching, per hr.....$60
Studio Coaching, per hr.....$45
(25% discounted for Tuition enrolled Vocal Clients)
Project Consult.....$40
... additional fees may incur upon additional services rendered, such as:
*Vocal Arranging

Career Strategy & Mentoring...
Initial Consultation & Placement, per hr.....$30
(age 13 & up - adv./career only)
... based on Consult/Interview...
Monthly, 1hr/per wk.......$300
(Due the 1st of Each Month)
... additional fees may incur upon additional services rendered, such as:
*Artist Developement
{*includes Social Media/SEO strategy, launch,
marketing & maintenance instruction}